Mental Health

Yes it is Okay to be Lazy Once in a While…

My family is from Cuba, ever since I was a little kid we always had this saying where we say we have Fiaca. there is no direct translation but what we mean by it is having a case of the lazies.

It’s when you have one of those days when you get up in the morning and you are not in the mood to go out anywhere, or do chores or even cook. You end up spending the day binging TV or maybe playing video games. In some cases, you may never even get out of your pajamas.

I can’t say that I often have days like this, sometimes you can shake it off and get on with your day other times you just take the day and rest and be lazy. Today I am in a mood to meet this halfway, I did have things I wanted to do today and I still plan on working on them but maybe not push to get everything completed all at once.

I know I’ve mentioned this before and I say it more to myself than anything else but on days like this we need to listen to our bodies, our brain is telling us it’s time to rest and take it easy. Not to say that being lazy is a great thing, if you are lazy all the time then you possibly have some underlying issues that need to be resolved. But with that said it is okay to be lazy once, in a while, you should not feel guilty about it or feel like you need to justify it.

Enjoy your lazy day, don’t get out of your comfy jammies, start watching a new TV show or maybe binge some of your favorites, take a nap, order a pizza. Cozy up under your covers and just let your mind drift.