
Bunnies are Blissful

As expected work is busy but I will still try to strive to get my blog post done and hopefully write about something that will either put a smile on someone’s face or help someone in any way possible.

I originally started this blog as a way for myself to improve on building a better positive mindset, in some cases, I talk about mental health, and others talk about the things that bring me joy or happiness into my life.

Today I want to talk about the things that bring me a ton of happiness, bunnies. Ever since I was a little girl one of my favorite memories was when my uncle Raul visited and he would always get me a little gift which usually ended up being a plush bunny rabbit.

When I was younger I essentially loved anything that was a bunny rabbit but as I’ve gotten older I am now a lot more selective when it comes to plush toys, especially bunnies. Of course, my love of bunnies is evident just from my site and blog name.

Every year as Easter approaches I start searching for what will be my annual Easter Bunny, my family and friends know me well enough that they do not try to pick something out for me. The bunny has to speak to me. I can end up looking at dozens of different bunny rabbits until I find the one.

Now Easter is not the only time I keep a keen eye out for bunnies but I do always make it a point to get one around Easter, some bunnies do not stay with me forever, some may find homes after I donate them, some of my favorite ones I picked up at conventions or craft shows and were hand made.

On top of plush bunnies I also love seeing cute pictures and videos of bunnies, and though lately, I have not seen them often I also sometimes spot wild bunnies when we go walking.

Even with my lifelong love of bunnies, I have never actually had a real bunny as a pet mostly because they are very high maintenance and require a lot of love and care. So I enjoy bunnies from a distance.

My bunnies are an amazing stress reliever, they bring me happiness and joy and bring me a sense of coziness and softness then really helps me out.

Anyone else out there also a plushie lover?