
The Tale of Jason Spider Bane

I’m not sure how I feel today, energized, happy, or maybe motivated. Even though work continues to be very busy I am finding that I have a need to do something around the house whether it be chores or art or just having some me time. And even though I do not currently have time to do art (Will hopefully have some time over the weekend) I did place an order for some art supplies that should be arriving on Friday.

I think because I am well ahead of schedule for my work deliverables I am going to have some Me Time. I believe I will spend the rest of the day relaxing, playing video games, and watching Netflix.

I do have a story to share today that made me happy. My site is called Happy Bunny Tales after all.

Once upon a time there was a knight called Jason who loved dearly by his beautiful wife. One morning whilst working with his dear wife a spider came into the room and attacked her.

As she screamed in terror the knight came to her rescue and vanquished the foul fiend. Later after the battle with the beast, the Wife treated the room with a potion so that the spiders will never return again.

All rejoiced in the kingdom and he was hence forth known as Jason Spider Bane.

Thank you to my hubby who came to my rescue this morning, it was seriously a huge spider.