
The Quest to Improve on My Nature Proficiency

This morning as my husband and I completed our first walk of the morning we noticed tiny little frogs hopping about the sidewalk close to the retention pond. In all our years living in this neighborhood I don’t think we have ever seen frogs that small, I imagine being the time of year they are fresh out of the pond as tadpoles and just getting their first hops in.

We saw one but as we got closer to the retention pond we saw too many to count, they were so adorable but also look so small and vulnerable. While some will grow up to be nice strong jumpers I am sure some will end up becoming a bird’s meal. Either way, it was such a neat experience to see something in nature that we’ve never seen before.

I vaguely remember seeing tadpoles as a kid while I was out playing and exploring but seeing the change from tadpoles to tiny little baby frogs is something I can’t recall actually seeing. My husband and I slowly made our way around the retention pond this morning so as to not inadvertently step on an already vulnerable creature, they need a fighting chance after all without us adding to their challenges.

The picture is not mine, but the a frog is close to what we saw.