Mental Health-


The Quest to…Be Grateful In Spite of What is Going On

Day after we discovered that we are COVID positive and my husband and I are both feeling a bit down. Our energy levels are a bit low and our brains are a bit foggy (From OTC Cold Meds) but we are on the mend with our overall experience not being any more than a nasty head cold.

With that said I seem to have drawn the short straw and ended up with no sense of smell or taste symptom. I can tell you right now that this has probably been the worst thing. I am going on four days now without being able to taste or smell anything and the nurse practitioner told me this can last up to a couple of months.

Yesterday since everyone was feeling down and tired I ordered out as a treat. We had dinner delivered from Red Robin and for myself, I ordered the Banzai burger. I’m sure to everyone else in the house the food tasted great. To me, it tasted of nothing. I should have tasted the grilled pineapple or the teriyaki sauce or the Red Robin seasoning on my fries. Nothing. Everything was so bland I almost wanted to cry.

We have a dinner reservation coming up in a few weeks to a restaurant known for very yummy food and I am so anxious that my taste buds won’t return before then. I would cancel but it would not be fair to others, and who knows I might be lucky and get my taste buds back soon.

But in the end, I am also very grateful, thanks to the vaccine we are not in the hospital, our symptoms were no more serious than a head cold, and once we recover we will more than likely be even more immune to the delta variant which is what is burning through Florida at the moment.

This has also taught us a lesson, we became complacent thinking that we were safe, that we no longer needed to mask up or social distance. We will continue to be vigilant and mindful. The pandemic is not over and it won’t be for a long time, not until we have at least reached herd immunity.

Now more than ever I need to focus on the things that make me happy, can’t go walking outside for about a week so no bunny sightings so I have a special companion to keep me company. A little bunny stuffy from my desk. Even though I know I won’t be able to taste it, my mom is making me a batch of vanilla ice cream. At least I can still feel temps and textures.