Mental Health

The Quest to Push Free of My Frustrations

The past weekend was spent mostly in bed watching T.V. or reading. My entire weekend was spent resting and relaxing and essentially not doing many physical activities.

Even though that sounds like a good weekend, overall it was frustrating not being able to work on the projects that I wanted to work on. I feel like I had already put a lot of my projects on hold because of my injured arm and now I have yet another injury that will cause further delays on the things I want to work on.

I’m also feeling like a lazy person because I am trying to limit my physical activities, so I’m not doing chores or getting help with the chores. My personal art projects are pretty much on hold. My walking has been limited (but will be getting better).

Over the past couple of years, I have become a lot more understanding of folks with chronic illnesses and chronic pain. It’s the understanding that sometimes you have a wish to do all the things but all you have the energy for is basic self-care. The frustration is real and does not go away for even those folks who deal with this all their lives.