Mental Health-

Being Creative

The Quest to Get Out of My Cozy Fuzzy Pants

Today was one of the rare days where the weather was so beautiful that I had an itch to go outside.

I went as far as getting up this morning, putting on my cozy fuzzy pants a T-shirt along with my bunny slippers. Had coffee with my husband in the library and even opened a few windows around the house to let in the cool 50ish degree air.

The cool weather was energizing me and I was itching to get up and do things instead of just having another day of playing video games and watching Netflix. As the morning wore on I was also starting to get an itch to go outside to enjoy the beautiful day and so I did.

I started a new craft project, did some gardening, wrapped a few Christmas presents, and even made some barbeque hamburgers. This day was great and the only thing that would have made it perfect is if the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had won today.