
The Quest to Heal Our Furry Companion Continues

After a few days of being on pain medication, he does not seem to be getting better, we took him to a vet again today and received a more definitive answer as to why he is in pain with some better instructions on how to keep him rested and healing.

She was able to determine that he was stable for now and the cause may be a pinched nerve that should hopefully resolve itself in a couple of weeks. We will take him back on Monday for a more comprehensive examination and X-rays so we can have a confirmed diagnosis.

Our Pup is our baby and seeing him in pain when he has been mostly healthy for most of his life does stress me out quite a bit, I do worry. But as always we will do everything in our power to protect and heal our furry companions.

On one good note at least it’s not life threatening.

And one thing that did make me happy was my husband and I went to go see the new Spiderman movie, it was fantastic.

One thought on “The Quest to Heal Our Furry Companion Continues

  1. Becky

    Yay!! So glad it’s not life-threatening!!

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