Mental Health

The Quests to Set New Quests for 2022

It’s that time of year when we make our New Year Resolutions, I always try to come up with something realistic and obtainable while also setting quests that I know will benefit me and not just be another cliche. For example, I stopped having Quests to lose weight, instead, I’ll have quests like eat better or walk more. Losing weight should never be a quest but a side effect from something else more important, like your health.

I’ve been thinking about what Quests to take on this year and I decided I want to keep them simple and obtainable. I’m also thinking of quests that will relate to my ultimate quest of being happy and having a more positive mindset. We all need to really think about what quests will benefit our overall mental health.

Here are my Quests for the next year, most of these should be easy to complete and maybe one or two will be more difficult but will not make me sad if they are not completed.

Read more in our Library – We remodeled our home theater into a library (and also still a theater) and although on most weekends you can find us in there having a cup of coffee in the morning we have not often actually sat in there and read. So this year we are planning on making more time to read and spend time in the library.

Star a Vlog for Happy Bunny Tales – When I wanted to start my HBT podcast back up my husband suggested instead to do it as a Vlog and that he would join me for it. It will be what it always was a forum to discuss happiness and positivity but to also talk about our favorite things that make us both happy. It will be a nerdy mental health talky kind of a show.

Declutter and organize the house – Since it’s the beginning of the year It’s that time again, while I am putting away all of the holiday decorations I will take the opportunity to declutter and organize the house and also take time to catch up on a few repairs I need to do. It will also be my time to redecorate some of the spaces.

Continue working towards being debt-free – This will be a lot more difficult to complete in the next year although I should be able to clear almost out everything except the auto loans and mortgage before the end of the year. Even though this will be ongoing I still have a plan to be debt-free that encompasses several years.

Purchase or find a way to make my own custom gaming table for tabletop gaming – This will also be pretty difficult to obtain as I may not have the time, resources, or skills to make one, and purchasing one may be out of my price range for the time being. I’m hoping for the kind that has a built-in screen in it for digital and virtual maps.

Do some Landscaping in the yard – We have lived in our home for 15 years and we have never done any landscaping in the backyard aside from maybe replacing the mulch from time to time. This year I want to start turning the backyard into a nice garden, this will have some difficulties though as I do not have the strength or the energy to do yard work. So this quest will depend heavily on time and funds and may not all get done this year.

There might be some other smaller sidequests as the year progresses but these are the main ones I would like to focus on this year.