Mental Health

The Quest to Start Spring Cleaning Began Early

I was not expecting to start spring cleaning today but after we tore apart the garage earlier this week no thanks to a snake that got in there it became even more of a mess than it already was.

We were planning on attacking the garage next week but my hubby decided to let’s tackle it today, partly because we wanted to make sure there were no other critters around but mainly because we were tired of the mess.

In the past I usually tackled something like organizing the garage myself, it’s not that my hubby would not help but because I liked doing it myself, I can put things where I want, but since I developed a partially torn tendon in my arm that limits what I can do physically.

This is new for me because I have gone from just doing something when something needed to be done to learning that it’s ok to ask for help. I asked Jason to help me with the garage and the best part was he jumped on it and decided let’s just get it done and what would have taken me the entire day or maybe two took us only an hour and a half with his help.

So as I create my To-Do list for spring cleaning I will also need to take into consideration when I will need assistance, I do not need to do it all by myself.

And if anyone is curious about the arches in the garage, those will eventually become a Stargate.