Mental Health

The Quest to Find Happiness in a Mundane Day

Today was a productive day and knowing that I have to be in the office tomorrow does annoy me because I see it as a distraction from the things I’m doing at home. I won’t be able to work on anything until Wednesday.

It’s just so much easier to manage my time when I’m home, I don’t have to waste time commuting to and from. My lunch break can be used to work on projects and any downtime can also be used on projects. On days I’m in the office I feel like so much time is wasted just having to drive there and back, I have to get up earlier to be there in time and I end up being so much more tired than usual.

I’m sure the lack of energy is due to a variety of things but when I get home after a long day at the office I don’t have much energy or motivation to work on anything else. I think part of what bothers me about being in the office is these days feel so ordinary, since I’m not home I can’t be creative, it makes it more difficult to focus and find something that makes me happy.

Essentially the only thing that really makes me happy is when I can finally head home and spend time with my husband.