Mental Health

The Quest to Identify Why I Have Been Lazy with My Journaling

So I’m not sure what has changed lately but I have been more forgetful and even lazy about writing in my journal every day. I’m only missing about one day at a time and although I have gone back and made up the journal entry because I’m such a completest and that makes me happy I keep wondering why I keep doing this at least once a week.

I think part of the reason is that there are days I have to be in the office, so on those days when I get home tired I seem to forget to go grab my journal to write about my day. Other days I may just be really busy and I know I need to write in my journal but I end up being lazy and telling myself I can make it up tomorrow. On some rare occasions, I’m just having a lazy day and I consciously made the decision to make it up the next day.

It kinda makes me feel like I’m slacking with my Happiness routine, I haven’t even been blogging religiously every single day. With the blog, I don’t feel as much like a completionist, I’ll blog when I feel I have something to share and talk about.

I remember I started a podcast a couple of years ago and decided to shelve it because it was not making me happy and causing me stress and anxiety. Although filling out my journal does make me happy a part of me is scared that the reason I’ve been slacking is that it’s starting to become more like a chore.

It’s possible that this is just a phase as I’ve been having a lot of changes to my routine over the last couple of months and things have been a little busier than usual. I think part of it might be due to the fact that I have not had as much time to focus on my happiness, so the rare times that I have to myself are instead spent catching up on chores and other tasks.

Even my craft and art projects seem to have been piling up and taking a back seat a bit. I think that a possible solution is for me to create further structure and routine in my life. All I need to do is better balance my work and personal life to improve my time management.

Because at the end of the day the most important thing about this journey is my self-care and promoting a more positive attitude.