Mental Health

The Quest to Set My Quests for 2023

It’s that time of year again when I am setting up my quests, also known as new years resolutions.

As last year I do want to pick some realistic quests, some easier and some more difficult. I also want to focus on some quests that will continue to improve my positive mindset. Last year my go big or go home mentality meant I was taking on too many big projects. While the year was productive it meant I did not focus as much.

Have more me time – What I mean is to not take on any all-consuming projects this year, make time to read, play video games, and work on smaller creative projects. Give me more time to focus on my mental health.

Work on the next project for Happy Bunny Tales – This will not be an all-consuming project but the next step in my own self-care and will hopefully make someone smile. I’m also hoping to get better at blogging.

Continue the Journey to be Debt Free – Last year we made large strides in becoming debt free and this quest is to get pay off all other Dragon Hordes with the exception of the mortgage on the castle, which will take a few years.

Improve Eating habits in our household – We need to eat better, not because we need to lose weight but because in our household folks have health concerns that would improve with better eating habits.

Learn how to do Computer coding – I got the Rasberry Pi last year to program the Stargate, this year I want to actually learn how to code on the Pi, then I would be able to do many cool things including finally programming the Stargate.

Have Gaming Nights – I know this one may be easier said than done and will tie into the quest about more me time. It’s all about finding the time for gaming and also not feeling guilty that we are spending time gaming instead of tackling something like chores or working on other projects.

Have you set your goals for the year?