Mental Health-


Why Does the Universe Hate Me?

Here I am again, last post I published was August of last year. I had many promises that I would be better about posting more frequently and then the entire thing just fell to the wayside.

Truth is I was starting to feel like the blog was a chore. I started it as a means for my own mental well being and stopped when it was no longer brining me joy. I still wrote in my journal every day, I still focus each day on the tiny things that make me happy and bring me joy. My goal of building good habits for a more positive mindset was accomplished.

So why I am here again?

I am here because the start of 2024 has brought with it unprecedented loss and chaos that has left me feeling overwhelmed and struggling on a day to day basis. The best way to describe the struggle is a roller coaster ride.

First you get the big plunge at the beggining, and then you have the smaller plunges or the cork screw spins for the big loops, and then it starts to straighten out a bit and you think the ride is almost over only for another plunge to hit. Just when I feel like I am finally off this crazy ride it starts up all over again.

Despite the craziness of the last four months I continue to focus on what makes me happy, I try to remember the good times, I make plans and look towards the future. While things right now feel overwhelming and I continue to struggle with how to mentally process the changes in my life I also know that things will get better as long as I continue to focus on what makes me happy and not allow the chaos and negative to take root in my mind.

One thought on “Why Does the Universe Hate Me?

  1. Clara Cabrera

    The Universe don’t hate you, perhaps just trying to tell you that has to many roads to be explored yet, like how to managed contradictory events on your well mind and proof you more strength that you think you have, love you

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