
Dreams of Magic and Adventure!

Tomorrow is my day to visit the healers and I am so looking forward to this treatment to help alleviate pain in my sword arm.

I know I won’t be able to finish my list of side quests before tomorrow and no one expects me to. In a few days, I will feel so much better and I can then look to continuing my side quests.

What makes me happy today is knowing I don’t need to finish, no one is going to chide me for taking it easy and healing. I received a brand new Kindle that I’m currently cleaning up and adding new books to and I am going to enjoy reading in my downtime.

I’ve always been an avid reader and it is one of my many joys in life. Starting a new book can always be exciting but sometimes you want to curl up with an old favorite that you read at night until you get sleepy. That is why I love my new kindle it is backlit so I can read in the dark until sleep takes over and I delve into deep dreams of magic and adventure.

What are some of your favorite books? When I was in my 20s I had the guilty pleasure of reading romance novels but now later in life tastes have changes to Fantasy and Science Fiction books. Some of my favorite fantasy series of course have to be Harry Potter but also the Artemis Fowl series and Fablehaven among many others. As for Science Fiction, I find I prefer Hard Sci-Fi stories and space operas.

But tonight I will start reading the Silmarillion, even though I have read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to death I have yet to read the entire Tolkien library of which I plan on rectifying as soon as possible. I would have to say Tolkien is my #1 favorite author.

What is yours?