
Not Another Manic Monday!

When this past weekend started I had a very long to-do list that I needed to start tackling. I know there was no way I could get it all done in one weekend, and that’s alright for there is only so much time in the day and only so much I can get done in one day before my energy runs out. But If at the end of the day I feel like I did enough then that makes me happy. I love to feel accomplished after a productive weekend.

And because I came out of the weekend so accomplished it did so much to brighten my Monday. Monday morning used to be a depressing time when I knew I had to go back to the office, the weekend felt too short, etc… But not anymore. Monday is just the start of another fresh week after a great weekend, I know I’m going to have another productive week and hopefully have some time for myself as well.

This coming weekend I hope to finish my to-do list and maybe have some time to have some fun. One of my favorite things to do is play my Lord of the Rings Online video game because it helps me to relax.

What are your favorite things to do to relax?

2 thoughts on “Not Another Manic Monday!

  1. Diane

    Favorite thing to do to relax…
    cuddling with my kitties <3 <3
    going for a walk with my hubby
    watching a tv show that I really like 🙂

    1. amanet17

      I love going on walks with my hubby too.

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