
Small Happy Things

There have been a couple of things this week that was rather frustrating and while Tuesday was particularly frustrating I still found many things that made me happy this week. Frustrating was the fact that the Air Conditioner technician that was supposed to arrive Tuesday never showed up and the Customer service the last couple days have been less than stellar. Frustrating was running over some debris and getting yet another flat tire.

But there have been some great things this week:

  • Thanks to the flat tire I got to work from home today
  • On top of that, Jason got to come home around noon and also work the rest of the day from home
  • The AC guys finally showed up today to finish the work
  • Tomorrow is exciting because the electrical will be completed
  • The addition is almost done and will be done (hopefully) by the end of the month.
  • Chocolate chip cookies
  • I was off on Monday

And the last thing that has me happy is my Birthday is in a couple of days so yay me!