
Anxiety & Sadness!

The last week has been fret with unexplained anxiety and sadness, I hate feeling this way and I am grateful that it does not happen often but when it does a lot of times I do change my plans because now my planned day at Disney has turned into a day I don’t feel like leaving the house. Last Sunday we went to the movies, and don’t get me wrong the film was great and I did enjoy myself but I still would have preferred to stay at home.

I cannot imagine what it feels for those who suffer from mental illness and clinical depression. I know it’s not easy. I know you can’t just turn it off by putting a smile on your face. Some days you can’t just push through it. I have friends who do suffer from mental illness and I know that the best thing you can do for them is just be there for them when they need you, listen to them when they need to talk. Don’t be criticizing. They don’t want to hear “Suck it up” or “Get over it”. They need you to understand that they are going through a period that will be tough for them and the best thing you can do is ride it through with them.

My husband gave me the quality time I needed and the affection I needed. Did that make anxiety and sadness go away? No, but it did make it more bearable. I used my time to make art and he offered his support and guidance. Never did he say “Cheer Up”.

He expressed, “I wish I knew what I could do to make you feel better” that comment alone made me feel better because I know he cares, I know he understands that it is not a quick fix, he knows it’s not just a switch in my head that makes all things better. He was just there and he let me just BE.

Picture Credit: Qinni – She was an amazing artist and it’s sad that I only discovered her work after she passed away.

2 thoughts on “Anxiety & Sadness!

  1. Claro

    I will be praying for you Mariposita, and is anything I can do for you to ease this period just let me know, I am being there and is not easy but it will go away with time, love you very much, mamá

  2. Diane

    Very well said!

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