Things that Bring me Joy

Back to the Dungeons!

Today is my last day off before going back to tackle the dungeons, I know that the next couple of weeks will be very busy for me but thanks to tasks I completed beforehand this will hopefully go smoother than anticipated.

I have learned much this past year in regards to my work in the dungeons and sometimes you help yourself by helping others. Even if that extra effort is not appreciated by your fellow adventurers I at least can take solace in the knowledge that my efforts will be easier.

So what will I be doing on this last day of rest you ask? I’m going to continue with some chores around the castle as long as my energy levels hold up and then I will head to my chambers for a well-deserved rest.

What I know will bring me happiness today is both my husband and I relaxing in our chambers, playing video games and watching TV. We will just be enjoying each other’s company.

So many things I am looking forward to in this coming year and I will continue to work on flushing out my quests for the year, here’s to a joyful and relaxing Sunday!