
We need to make time for ourselves or else how can we be happy.

This typically is much harder than you think. I see something that needs to get done and I do it. Later I’m paying the price for not knowing my limitations.

For example, just about a couple of months ago, I reorganized the entire garage as well as restored and entire Oak dining set. I ended up severely aggravating my already inflamed tennis elbow and will be getting a steroid shot in the next few days.

It did need to get done but I should have set my limits and not pushed myself as hard as I did and most importantly I should have asked for help. It is not always easy though for so many reasons, we are impatient to get something done or we don’t want to bother others. Also my I can be my own worst enemy by my go big or go home mentality, when I set my mind on something watch out or you will get plowed over.

This is why I have actively chosen to essentially not do anything this weekend, to allow my body to rest so to speak. I’ve been reading, playing video games or watching TV. But in the back of my head, I still have a list of the tasks that need to get done. Putting away the Christmas decorations, organizing my art supplies, or putting away the clothes.

So far so good I keep telling myself the world is not going to end because the tasks didn’t get done, I will have all week to get through it, and let’s just rest and relax. We need to make time for ourselves or else how can we be happy.