
Doing a Little Bit of Potion Making

Today I’m happy because after a couple months break I am back to doing some potion making otherwise known as mixing resin, it’s amazing how mixing two separate ingredients allows us to create such wonders.

This type of potion making is something I have been dabbling at now for about a year and half. I have always loved creating things and have created many crafted things since I was a little girl but this past year and a half I have had a major artistic awakening thanks to resin and especially glitter.

If that isn’t magic I don’t know what is.

As part of my quest this year I plan to experiment more with resin and other mediums just to see how far I can take my imagination of which I hope will always be limitless. I even started dabbling with oil painting and acrylics.

What also makes me happy is I’m creating art for myself.

What has also made this day amazing is how it started for more details on that look at today’s Hero’s Journal Entry below.