

Today is a day of hope and healing. Change can be scary but change is magical and necessary. Without magic, we would have stagnation and mediocracy.

Today I am reflecting on how I can incorporate more magic into my life. My main quest for this year is to improve my positive mindset and not allow anxiety and stress to dominate my life. What spells can I use to accomplish this?

First, is daily affirmations, a spell to remind me once a day about the things that make me happy. These constant reminders help me to rewire my brain to think more positively so my mind does not focus on the negative.

The second is creating magic in my day to day life by creating potions like mixing resin or paints. Creating these potions brings joy into my life and in some cases brings joy into the lives of others.

I’m sure there will be more as I progress through my quests but progress I will as we look to a new future for ourselves.