
The Couple That Games Together…

All I have ever wanted for many years is for both my husband and me to find an MMO (Massively multiplayer online) that we both like. Why? Because I want to be able to play an online game with someone who I can’t get enough of.

You see my husband and I are essentially attached at the hip. We spend almost every waking hour together. Before the pandemic, we both had days we had to be in the office and those days were the worst. We missed each other so much during the day that we resorted to taking short walks so we not only stayed in shape but used that time to talk to each other while we got our steps in. Also, it’s been many years so we have never been apart for more than a day and I’m pretty sure if we have it our way we never will again.

We always wondered and dreamed about what it would be like if we both worked from home 24/7, and in March of last year when the world had to quarantine we finally had to wonder no more.

Did we get tired of each other’s company? Nope! Not at all, and we even share an office together.

What happened was we grew even closer together, we have reached a point where I think we are addicted to each other, and this is not a bad addiction to have.

But what about video gaming? I’ve been playing Lord of the Rings Online for over a decade and even though my hubby tried to play for a little while it was not his cup of tea. We have tried a couple of other games over the years but they didn’t work out either.

But yesterday we discovered an MMO that neither of us knew existed. Star Wars The Old Republic. As massive fans of Star Wars, I honestly don’t understand how we never knew about this until just yesterday.

I believe that this will be a game we will both enjoy immensely and now I get to share my gaming need with my husband as well which makes me a really happy camper.

Why is this so important to me? Because I love spending time with my husband. We always go walking together, watch TV together and have dinner together. Even if we are each doing our own thing we tend to still be in the same room. Even on days where we are in the same house but separate rooms for whatever reason means we are still missing each other.

Sappy I know.

But being able to game together will just give us another opportunity to spend even more time with each other.

Kesha could not have put it any better, Your Love is My Drug.