Mental Health

Riding That Happy High

My husband today asked me as we were doing our morning walk if it felt good when strangers commented on how they liked my art and even bought my art. I explained to him that the feeling is almost like a high or as I like to call it a Happy High.

A Happy High is that euphoric feeling you get once in a while, you feel so happy that you have a smile on your face that feels wonderful. You feel at peace like nothing in the world can touch you at the moment.

I was definitely riding on a Happy High the day of Syfy Bartow when for the first time ever strangers not only liked my art but loved it enough to buy it. I feel like Happy Highs are rare. Even though I focus and almost always find at least one thing a day that makes me happy it is not often that I ride on a Happy High.

Other times I had Happy Highs was when my Mother and mother-in-law got their 2nd Covid vaccine shots. When the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won the Super Bowl. When my husband and I had a romantic candlelit dinner at home for Valentine’s Day.

Happy Highs can be a result of things you planned or can happen unexpectedly. Either way when Happy Highs happen, enjoy every bit of it, allow it to wash over you, and drive away your worries and negative thoughts. I am surprised at how much energy and positive thinking results in having a Happy High.