Mental Health

Looking Forward to a Pain Free Night

Today is an exciting day in our household, we are receiving a new mattress that we have long been anticipating. This is just another round of what we can call self-care.

To me going mattress shopping is akin to going car shopping, we only do it because we have to and it’s really more of a headache than one might realize. But in the end, it was desperately needed. We’ve been having body aches for many months and quickly determined that the culprit was indeed our mattress.

The night I told my husband but our need for a new mattress he said he wanted to sleep on it, and he did so literally. Woke up the next morning aching and stating that he hated the mattress.

So we have been very anxiously anticipating these last few weeks looking forward to a better night’s sleep, being pain-free, and finally having a good quality mattress and not the cheapest thing available because we were broke at the time.

But most importantly I am really looking forward to the pain free part.