
Adding One More Dragon Horde to My List

Today work was quiet, I had a relaxing day cooked up a savory healthy meal for dinner, and started watching Star Trek The Original Series for the 5 billionth time.

Today I did do some adulting, my quest for the next few years is to be debt-free that plan did not include our mortgage which still has another 15 years or so, but today I worked out a new budget, and even though it will take 5 to 6 years we now have a plan to pay that off sooner rather than later as well.

Of course, this will mean my Quest to defeat and destroy all the dragon hordes will be a much longer campaign but I believe we will be all the better for it in the end. Once this quest is done we will have much more time and opportunities to go on many adventures.

Today I am also wrapping up the last entry in my current Hero’s Journal, I feel like I have already accomplished so much in the last 3 months since I started this new quest back in January. I have defeated 2 Dragon Hordes, I have focused on my happiness every day, learned to be mindful about my physical limits.

What’s next for me?

To continue focusing on my overall mental health I want to also slow down and not rush things, be more mindful so I am not making mistakes. Life is not a race. Also started working on cooking and eating a little healthier. Though my quests may change or evolve the end result will still be the same to be a happier person.