Mental Health

Motivation has struck…

Today has been so busy that I’ve barely had two minutes to myself. Work has forced me to take a break though as the computer program I need is currently down. So instead of relaxing, I caught up on a few chores around the house. I guess I am having one of those days where I am feeling motivated to get things done, but it is now 2 PM and I think it’s time to sit back and relax before I end up going past my limits.

I spoke about motivation in the past and how we should take advantage of those days when we do feel motivated but I also feel like I have not had an opportunity today to think about happiness. As part of my quest for better positive thinking, I try to identify at least one thing each day that made me happy and so far today I have been so busy I have not had one chance to think about what made me happy or even what I’m grateful for today.

The day is still young though…

I even feel motivated to paint or to create something but of course that comes during a time when work is so busy that I can’t break away to do that. I’m hoping that this Sunday I will have the time to create, the question will be will I have the motivation that I have today.