
There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow…

Today my mind has been wandering about what the future will hold after I have completed my quests and wishing it could all happen sooner rather than later.

What has me preoccupied today is thinking about remodeling our home. My husband and toyed with the idea of moving to a bigger home or to another location but in the end, we always came back to our current home and how much we love it. So instead of toying with the idea of another home, we are thinking of ways we can improve our current house and make it to what we truly dream of having.

The last couple of years has already seen some of those changes come to fruition by adding a new office addition and converting our 10-year-old home theater into a library that still functions as a theater.

We still have so many other projects that we want to complete but will have to wait until after all the Dragon Hordes have been vanquished.

My favorite project that we completed last year was converting our home theater into a more functional room. We did love our original theater but the room was pretty useless when not being used as a theater so we decided to retheme it and make it more functional, we kept half of the original theming and turned the rest of it into an amazing adventurer’s library.

And in case you were curious as to how our theater used to look like. I’m happy that I had come up with keeping most of the theming for the library, I just feel like the room is a lot more functional and cozy. and the best part is that it’s also still a theater.