
Searching for Inspiration Makes Me Happy

Today is going to be exciting and I have been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks. I have been saving up my funds for a Craft and Art supply shopping trip with my family. I am not going to the craft shops for any specific supplies in mind but will instead look for what inspires me.

It makes me happy to know that after a long and yet productive week at work I will finally have some opportunities to get back to my art and trying out new things. I want to get back to learning painting and also doing other things. I have a few model kits to build as well as other crafting things I want to try like glass etching. Not to mention the large art journal I have yet to finish. I would like to find things I can incorporate into the journal.

Even though I have a list of craft and art styles I want to try another thing I am looking forward to while in the shops today is looking for new styles to try as well, find what else inspires me, maybe I can try jewelry making or even woodworking. There is a reason why I call my art shop “What Ever Floats My Boat” because even though more often than not my aesthetic is space and galaxies I do not like to be tied down to just one style or making art or crafts.