
Rainy Days are Cozy Days

Yesterday’s craft trip did not yield the artistic inspiration I was hunting for, instead, I ended up buying some fabric that looked pleasing to the eye. but once I made it back home I realized some of the fabric I bought was not as pleasing as I first imagined.

What made me happy today was a couple of things, first knowing that I could easily rectify a mistake by returning the fabric that I no longer wanted or needed. second, was my husband’s opinion, he gave me honest feedback about the fabric design which helped me decide to take it back. Even though he may not always think it but I do value his opinion even if sometimes I don’t listen.

What also made me happy today was the weather, it ended up being a very gloomy and rainy day which lent to a cozy and relaxing day with my husband watching TV and playing video games while snuggled up in our bed. Days like today are so rare and also so enjoyable.

I am looking forward to this week for a few reasons but most importantly work will hopefully quiet down enough for me to catch up with some painting and other craft projects I want to work on. So even though this weekend did not yield the inspiration I was looking for I’m sure I will find inspiration in other places.