Mental Health

What are you looking forward to the most once you are fully vaccinated?

This weekend my hubby and I decided that we are not leaving the house for anything, We will be working on our projects, for me, it might be making art or sewing and for him, it will be composing music. But this will be the last weekend in a while where we stay in.

By next weekend we will be fully vaccinated and we are planning on a day trip to Disney as well as going to the movies. The last time we were at Disney was last October before they started increasing capacity and we have only been to the movies once and have not returned as we did not feel safe. Yes we are looking forward to being able to go to the movies, Disney Parks, and travel but that is not the thing we are looking forward to the most, what we are looking forward to most is being able to be more active.

Starting next weekend my hubby and I want to start getting out again each weekend. We need to get back in the groove of being more active. Even though we have been pretty diligent about walking almost every day our bodies have definitely missed the extra exercise we get from walking those Disney parks, from going antiquing or traveling.

Walking around the neighborhood alone just doesn’t do it, yes we are getting some exercise but it just isn’t enough, we are looking forward to being more active and not having to live with the fear that will get sick. We need to rebuild that stamina that we had when we first started to get into shape a few years ago.

Before the pandemic, we had even toyed with the idea about doing a 5K, even though we are nowhere near ready for something like that and may never be, with diligence and perseverance I know we can get back in shape and lose those extra pounds that we gained during the pandemic. We have already started by making an effort to eat a little better and next week we will be able to make more of an effort to get into better shape.

Even though being more active is the most important we are longing for we are also looking forward to everything that comes with being more active. Traveling and discovering new things, going treasure hunting for antiques for our library, visiting places that bring us joy, and being able to get back to the Sci-Fi conventions we love so much.