Being Creative

The Quest to Create an Elven Gown…

After a special delivery that arrived today, I can finally start a new project that I have been wanting to complete for a few years, but before I tackle that project I’m going to tackle a smaller easier project as it’s been a while since I’ve used a sewing machine for anything more complex than a face mask this past year. The last time I attempted sewing anything complicated was many years ago when I made an Elsa costume.

I learned sewing on a machine that used to belong to my grandmother, I used it until it broke one day but considering that machine was considered vintage I didn’t really have anyone locally that could fix it. Then about a year and a half ago, I found a Singer sewing machine at our local goodwill for 25 dollars, I got a little use out of it but that also went belly up recently.

The new machine that I ordered from Amazon arrived today and I am so excited to get started on my projects. One of my issues with past machines is always having to change out the bobbins, my new machine has an easy load for the bobbin and I am looking forward to a machine that is more user-friendly.

As for my projects, the first one is just a simple summer dress to get back into the swing of using a sewing machine. Not only will the summer dress be made out of soft galaxy-themed fabric but I’ll get to wear it when I do art or craft shows.

After I get a handle on my skills I will tackle the project I’ve been wanting to complete for a while. The White Gown and overdress worn by Lady Galadriel in The Hobbit. This outfit of hers has always been one of my favorites, the trick will be creating the over-dress as the pattern is for either the white dress or the other dress with what looks like the white dress underneath. I want to create separate pieces as they are meant to be like in the movie.

As far as costume patters go i’m hoping it is not to complicated so wish me luck…

And if I succeed I plan on wearing it to Dragon Con this year, assuming the convention won’t go virtual again.