Mental Health

Stay Thirsty My Friends…

Today has been an extremely busy day at work but what made me happy was even though I was set a complicated task and even though it is not yet completed I did make a lot of progress before the end of my workday. I will say that even as busy as I was my hubby and I still made the time to get our walks in today which was definitely needed.

When we have days where it feels like the work and the tasks are non stop we have to make an extra effort to find the time to step away take a break, remember to eat something, and stay hydrated. If we allow ourselves to become so immersed that we forget simple things like eating and drinking our bodies will thank us for it later.

With all that said what can we do to ensure we are taking those breaks, Eating our meals and most importantly staying hydrated?

For me I actually schedule my lunch break on my calendar at work, and even though I worked through lunch today the calendar still reminded me to eat and I got up and grabbed some food and ate while I continued to work. I also got up and went for walks earlier in the morning when it was still cooler outside during periods where I was at a good stopping point or in between meetings. Lastly, I made sure I kept my cup with me on my desk and sipped my water through out the day to ensure I stay hydrated.

How do you guys ensure to stay hydrated?