Being Creative

The Quest to Start Cutting Some Fabric…

Today is the 1st of May, where did April go? to think that in 2 more months half the year would have passed us by.

I also started cutting out the fabric for my Lady Galadriel costume for Dragon Con (I’ll blog about Dragon Con another time as that deserves its own blog), I am making her dress from The Hobbit. Even though the pattern I picked up is to make either the white dress or the grey dress what looks like the white dress underneath (But isn’t) I plan on altering the pattern just a bit as I want it to be true to the film and be the white dress with the grey overdress. I plan on hiding some white snaps into the shoulders of the white dress so when I wear the grey overdress it won’t slip off my shoulders.

I at least got the fabric for the white dress (Not including the sleeves) all cut out today and this week I hope to finish cutting the rest and get started on sewing. This has been one of my dream costumes to make ever since The Hobbit came out.