Mental Health

The Quest to Find Balance and Not Burnout

Today i finished putting together the rest of the minis that I’ve been working on all week and this weekend I am hoping I can finish priming it all so I can finally start painting. Work has been blissfully quiet this week but starting next week things will be quite busy for the next few weeks and I may not have as much time to be creative.

I know that the work I do is important though and I will always feel a sense of accomplishment of a job well done, but I also know the next few weeks will be jammed pack and I will barely have much time to myself.

We all try to balance our work life and personal life but there will always be some times where the balance is a little off and there is not much we can do about it. All we can do is trudge along and hopefully have time to relax and recharge later but we have to ensure that we do take that time to recharge so we don’t burn out or lose ourselves.