Mental Health

The Quest to Visit the Beach and to Not Get Overheated

Today was a wonderful day, it really is refreshing especially after last year to be able to get out of the house and do something that you took for granted before, for us living in Florida was going to the beach. As Floridians going to the beach was something tourists do. The beach was a place we especially avoided during the summer, first because it was way too hot and second because this is the time of year we get the most vacationers.

Today we decided to do something we typically don’t do, we drove down to the beach, walked by the water, and even had an early dinner at a beachside bar called Bongos. Yes it was hot, no it was not crowded yet but by July going to the beach would be much more of a hassle. Frankly, my husband and I prefer a poolside at a resort then the beach.

We still had a lot of fun today although we were pretty physically wiped out by the time we reached home. We walked Siesta Key, the sand was so clean, white, and soft. The heat was cut by the nice gulf breezes coming off the water and even though we have gotten into the habit of walking every day walking on sand is a whole other beast. Halfway through our walk our knees and ankles were already starting to get sore. I found walking on the sand to be difficult and it definitely slowed me down.

Walking on the sand was really good exercise but not sure I currently have the energy or the physical stamina to do that regularly. What was kind of different was seeing my footprints in the sand, today was the first time I noticed my footprint in the sand since I had my foot surgery to fix my flat feet and this was the first time I noticed that as I walked I left a correct footprint showing how I now have an arch in my foot.

This time of year it gets hard to stay in shape just because of how hot it gets outside, our energy levels won’t be as great as the humidity and heat quickly saps it away, when our energy levels go down so does our productivity because we have to spend so much time just trying to get our energy levels back up.

Even today after only spending about an hour or so just walking around the beach by the time we got home we were so wiped out all we are doing is vegetating in the bedroom, watching TV, and at least for me I seem to be closing my eyes and dozing every so often. On days like today I know I won’t have much energy for much else.

Tomorrow of course is a new day.