Mental Health

The Quest for a Sleep Spell

Last night my husband and I slept so well that we ended up making some extra coffee just to finish waking up this morning.

The past week we both had issues getting a good night’s sleep due to various reasons, one night we had an appliance making some rather annoying noise, another night I needed to set an alarm in order to book a reservation we wanted. some nights we just didn’t sleep well.

After several nights of this and some extracurricular activities over the weekend, we were both exhausted, and even though we got a good night’s sleep Sunday night on Monday we were still tired. My mother refers to this as “Sueno Viejo” or Old Sleep or Old Dream. Essentially what that means is when all of those bad nights of sleep and exhaustion catch up to you and your mind and body pretty much let you know that it is time to rest.

On Monday night we went to bed early and quickly fell asleep and only woke up when our bodies were ready. Yes, we still felt a little tired, and we had double coffee but at the same time we felt refreshed and later that morning had so much more energy.

We have to accept that sometimes things happen that are out of our control in regards to trying to get a good night’s sleep but it is important that we try especially if we are a light sleep or are prone to insomnia.