My Craft Projects

The Quest to Tidy Up My Wizards Study and Work Area

My office area has been getting a bit cluttered the last couple of weeks because of the projects I’ve been working on. Today I decided to get my work area organized so I can have a clear workspace this weekend to keep working on my projects. I always find that periodically organizing my space and keeping it clean helps me to stay motivated and focused.

I finished priming all the Tabletop gaming miniatures and before I start painting them I have some tabletop adventures I want to finish flushing out. Once that is done, I will prioritize the painting based on what I need for the new campaign. I do have a lot to paint and there is no way I will complete all of it before the end of the year. There is only so much time in the day after all.

I also have to start working on my library card catalog, I have all my blank cards and dividers, I got a new typewriter ribbon for the typewriter and almost 200 hundred vintage books that I need to inventory. I will also eventually inventory our non-vintage books as well. I am so excited for this project as I used to be an assistant librarian and the nerd in me wanted to go old school.