Mental Health

The Quest to Rebuild Our Immune Systems in a Post Pandemic World

Since getting vaccinated and starting to make our way back out into the world we were bound to eventually start encountering germs. What I did not anticipate was after avoiding germs for over a year and a half that we would end up with slightly weakened immune systems.

We ended up developing some allergy-related sinus infections that though not severe made me understand that we better work on rebuilding that immune system.

Have you ever heard of the term Con Crud? It’s when you attend a large convention with many people and Con Crud is what we refer to that period of time after the convention when you’ll be sick. Most likely due to a bug that was picked up while attending. The same can be said for crowded airplanes or even concerts.

For many years my husband and I attended many conventions, the smaller conventions were not a big deal, the risk of exposure was negligible but the larger cons were a cesspool of germs. The first time we attended a large one we were sick for weeks afterward. In other years we tried different tactics to minimize the impact and though it was never as bad as that first time we still got sick regardless.

Then one year my mother suggested we take vitamin D leading up to the convention, we did as she suggested and even took vitamin D during and after the convention and for the first time ever we did not get sick at all. Every year after that we always did the same thing and we have thankfully never had to deal with Con Crud again.

This sinus infection was a wake-up call, our immune systems are currently weakened from little to no exposure and need to be built back up so last night we started our vitamin D regimen and will continue for a while not just to prep us for upcoming conventions we plan on attending but also to prep us for going back out into the world.

The image is from d20monkey.