Mental Health-


The Quest to…Pudding!

I’ve been staring at this screen for the last 30 minutes with no idea about what to write about today. Work was busy today, and I didn’t really have anything going on. We didn’t even go walking today.

Today has been one of those days where I was feeling blah with no reason why. I’ve even tried spending the day thinking about what I would want for my birthday this year and so far I can’t think of anything.

My husband did remind me about Firefly Path. This is a small business run by a very talented designer who makes the most fantastical creations I have ever seen. I have been admiring her creations from afar for many years wishing I could commission something.

Even though I know it may be out of my price range I still sent a message to inquire about a possible commission. That’s about the most exciting thing I’ve done all day but it did make me happy.

I told my husband how I was having a hard time deciding what to write in my blog today and he took one look at me and said…