Mental Health

The Quest to Finally Be On the Mend

Today is the first day since Friday that my back is starting to feel a little better, the muscle is still quite tense but I seem to have just a little bit more mobility. I still need to take it easy and not overdo things but now I’m not feeling so frustrated because there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Of course, as I begin to become a little more mobile I will have to take things easy. If I bend down I will take it slowly, if I’m sitting down use my ergonomic cushions and get up and walk every so often, and most importantly try not to do too much or over-extend myself. The last thing I want is to make the muscle worse instead of better.

At the end of the day, we can make all the plans in the world but things can and will happen to throw off those plans, it’s ok because life happens, our projects will still be there waiting for us.