
The Quest to Find an Enchanted Willow Tree

As silly as it might seem what made me super happy today was my husband letting me go on a quest to search for an enchanted purple willow tree. How is it enchanted you ask? Well, it has an uncanny ability to make me smile when I gaze upon it.

I had discovered it yesterday but I left and quickly realized that the location of the tree would not be easily found again, it is an elusive magical tree that is highly sought after by other adventurers and sorcerers.

This morning after my husband told me to begin the quest I went to the last known location of the enchanted tree. As I entered the mystic grove known as Home Depot I was dismayed when my eyes sought the enchanted tree only to find an empty space where the tree once stood. Had an adventurer beaten me to the tree?

As it turned out the grove contained more than one magical enchanted willow tree and I was able to claim one for myself and bring its happiness magic back to our home.

It now stands sentinel outside the entrance of our home radiating happiness and joy as it twinkles against the darkness.

The video was created by another adventurer.