
The Quest to Celebrate My Favorite Holidays

My favorite time of year is starting, what we have coming is 3 months of celebrating starting with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and capping it off with Christmas and then New Year.

This is my favorite time of year because the weather gets cooler (It was 67 degrees in Florida this morning) I get to pull out all my decorations for Halloween and Christmas. I just feel more alive and active this time of year. I have so much more energy.

I have my Halloween decorations out well before October, my Christmas decorations come out November 1st. I have never really decorated for thanksgiving as decorating for Fall in Florida seems ridiculous when we don’t even experience the season.

At the end of the day, I decorate the way I do because it brings me so much joy and happiness. Why deny ourselves the simple pleasures. At the end of the day my decorations are not hurting anybody.