Mental Health-


The Quest to Stop Hitting Myself…Not Literally

Yesterday was a bad day for me not just because work was frustrating but because a task I was trying to complete also had me very frustrated and stressed out.

The task I was trying to complete was not an easy one and completing it was not only going to be out of my control but also relied on other factors that due to misinformation and disorganization turned into quite a nightmarish spectacle.

In the end, though I only had myself to blame for allowing these factors to impact me in the way they did. By the end of the day, I was so frustrated, stressed out, and anxious I even came close to tears. The task I was trying to accomplish is not worth this much aggravation.

How many times do we allow outside forces to control our emotions? I went into this task knowing full well that it had the potential to aggravate me. Why did I do it? because usually when it comes to things like this I have a tendency to preserve against the odds. When I needed to get my senior family members vaccinated at the beginning of this year I got it done even when obtaining the appointments at the time were like winning the lottery.

Usually, when I set my mind to something I want or need I get it done, my grandmother also had a similar personality.

So what is it that has me so enraptured that I risked aggravating myself?

The new Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser of course, because apparently I’m a glutton for punishment I also tried to get a reservation today after trying all day yesterday but after one attempt I decided it’s not worth the hassle. And in all honesty, the hotel isn’t going anywhere so do I need to fret over it so much.

Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser Booking Info & DVC Point Charts - Disney  Tourist Blog