
The Quest to Switch Out Holidays

Even though I’m exhausted and a bit sore I did get a lot completed today which included heading to the Spirit store for after Halloween purchases, putting away all of my Halloween decorations, organizing the garage, and getting all of the Christmas decorations down and in the house.

I need to give a shout to my hubby who did all of the heavy liftings for me today.

I still need to put out the Christmas decor but at least it’s in the house, I’ll slowly get all the decor organized in the next couple of days. Most importantly is my Happy Christmas tree is up and will stay up until probably mid-January, I even found a new white fluffy tree skirt to go around it.

I really do love that tree so much and I can sit and watch it for hours. I’m so happy that my hubby got me a backup tree for the day it will need to be replaced.