Mental Health

The Quest to Find the Cozies

Today I wish I had ice cream, I’m not feeling sad or anxious but I am having a day where I have absolutely no energy for anything and I’m finding it a challenge to stay focused. I definitely have a craving for comfort food and cozy things.

Earlier I needed to go out and thanks to my mother who ran the errand for me (only because she happened to also be going to the same place) I didn’t have to go out anywhere. I tried to get the 3D printer working correctly but gave up if just for today.

Monday it felt like I had all the energy of the world, today I feel like I can barely lift my head and I can feel my eyelids getting a bit heavy. I know the reason for this fatigue and it’s not COVID related but it is here and out of my control for the moment.

All I can do is take advantage of the fact that I have nowhere to be and no urgent tasks that need my attention, I’m just going to chalk it up as a lost cause. Tomorrow is another day.