
The Quest to Find Comfort and Joy

Is today Monday? Didn’t feel like a Monday. Work was quiet and productive and overall my day was nice. I felt happy and at peace today. I will be busy the next few weeks leading up to the Holidays but I will also be making time to create, play video games, and have some time to relax.

Just because we are approaching the end of the year does not mean that we have to succumb to the stresses of the holidays. It’s not about presents, holiday parties, or even trying to please everyone.

It’s supposed to be a time for Joy and Happiness. Making good memories, enjoying a hot cup of tea or hot cocoa on a cold night, reading a good book in the library snuggled with a blanket.

The Holidays should be a time to relax, enjoy the company of our friends and family without feeling overwhelmed. Don’t feel obligated to go to that Holiday shindig knowing full well that crowds are not your thing. Do what makes you happy and comfortable.

That’s what I think about the most this time of year, being comfortable and feeling cozy. I have already started pulling out my fuzzy onesies and my comfortable boots. We will be visiting the Biltmore early next month and I’m already dreaming of sitting in front of the fireplace and having a drink.

I plan on cooking and baking my favorite holiday treats and love like homemade hot cocoa from real chocolate, cornmeal cookies, and Chocolate Kiss stuffed chocolate chip cookies, and of course my cheesecake. It’s fun making my favorite treats especially when I make them for myself and my family.

But my best comfort and joy during this season is my hubby.

Good Lord I am such a sap, sorry not sorry.