
The Quest to Finally Get a Haircut

I’ll be honest, ever since the pandemic started we have been very wary about going to a salon and we will let at least 4 to 5 months lapse before we finally get around to getting a haircut, and thankfully today was the day.

It’s funny how a simple thing like getting a haircut can be you feel so good and happy. I don’t think that it’s necessarily about vanity but about feeling comfortable and feeling like yourself. I really do prefer my hair short and the longer it gets the more it drives me crazy and makes me feel rather unkempt.

For my mother longer hair interferes with her breathing treatment and CPAP machine. For my husband, it’s also a sense of feeling comfortable and more like himself.

We went to the salon together today as a family and one by one we transformed more into ourselves. We feel lighter and freer when we are not being bogged down by all the excess.

And on another note, our pups got some very much needed grooming today too.