
The Quest to Spend Christmas Eve with My Friends and Family

While yesterday was non-stop baking today was a little more laid back although there were still many things to prepare like the turkey and ham most of today was just waiting for the turkey to cook.

Our best friends arrived early and we were so happy to be able to spend some nice quality time with them where we got to catch up. It has been a rough couple of years for all of us and having this time together where we can enjoy each other’s company, make plans, and listen to each other’s stories is so important to our overall mental health.

We played Christmas music in the background all day long, and I was proud of myself after I prepared my first ever charcuterie board with yummy nibbles. We decided to have our meal in the library and the gathering was a little more informal but it was perfect and just what we all needed.

I hope everyone is celebrating Christmas Eve in their own way whether it’s with family or even by yourself.

One thought on “The Quest to Spend Christmas Eve with My Friends and Family

  1. Becky Lewis

    Yay!! Glad you all had a wonderful time!!

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