Mental Health

The Quest to Be Ever Vigilant

Today was stressful, after almost two years of being very careful one of our moms was starting to show possible symptoms of COVID, both our moms are high risk which is why we have tried to be very careful where they are concerned. Even when my hubby and I had COVID we stayed away from them both for almost two weeks and living in the same house was not easy.

Thankfully after many hours, the diagnosis came back as a sinus infection and nothing more. The sense of relief from knowing it was not COVID made both my husband and me very happy. It reinforces that we better continue to be ever vigilant especially since we are now in the winter season and the COVID numbers are on the rise.

As more and more people are beginning to venture out and no longer wearing masks the risk of spread will just continue to increase. So many people believe that this is over but it isn’t and won’t be for a very long time. Our hospitals are still overwhelmed, vaccines and boosters are great but those who are high risk may end up going to a hospital.

Even though we will be leaving on a trip in a few days it is with the knowledge that where we are going they are still requiring masks indoors and we still plan on keeping our distance from others as much as possible. This is the new normal, it doesn’t mean we spend the rest of our lives hiding in a cave it just means we still need to be mindful of those around us because not everyone is mindful or even courteous.